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2009年7月17日 星期五
2009年7月13日 星期一
The Six Principle of Viral Marketing VS Hotmail.com - 3
5) Utilizes existing communication networks
People sign up for their own free e-mail service, and then telling to their close network of friends, family, and associate. Network marketers have long understood the power of these human networks, both the strong, close networks as well as the weaker networked relationships.
6) Takes advantage of others' resources
Some viral marketing plans use others’ resources to get the word out, such as affiliate programs, Hotmail.com give away free Web e-mail service propels the message still wider to their own ever-increasing circles of friends and associates.
Carefully to design the viral marketing strategy it’s the powerful way to increase increase your business exponentially.
Reference: http://www.wilsonweb.com/wmt5/viral-principles-clean.htm
People sign up for their own free e-mail service, and then telling to their close network of friends, family, and associate. Network marketers have long understood the power of these human networks, both the strong, close networks as well as the weaker networked relationships.
6) Takes advantage of others' resources
Some viral marketing plans use others’ resources to get the word out, such as affiliate programs, Hotmail.com give away free Web e-mail service propels the message still wider to their own ever-increasing circles of friends and associates.
Carefully to design the viral marketing strategy it’s the powerful way to increase increase your business exponentially.
Reference: http://www.wilsonweb.com/wmt5/viral-principles-clean.htm
The Six Principle of Viral Marketing VS Hotmail.com - 2
2) Provides for effortless transfer to others
Attach a simple tag at the bottom of every free message sent out: "Get your private, free email at http://www.hotmail.com". A short and clear message can be easily to transmit without degradation.
3) Scales easily from small to very large
Message spread like wildfire the transmission method must be rapidly scalable from small to very large. Hotmail.com used this element to attract netizen to use this free e-mail service, then stand back while people e-mail to their own network of friends and associates.
4) Exploits common motivations and behaviors
Design a marketing strategy that builds on common motivations and behaviors for its transmission, hotmail.com targeted “Who see the message” and encourage netizen to forward their e-mail to others for attracting use.
Reference: http://www.wilsonweb.com/wmt5/viral-principles-clean.htm
Attach a simple tag at the bottom of every free message sent out: "Get your private, free email at http://www.hotmail.com". A short and clear message can be easily to transmit without degradation.
3) Scales easily from small to very large
Message spread like wildfire the transmission method must be rapidly scalable from small to very large. Hotmail.com used this element to attract netizen to use this free e-mail service, then stand back while people e-mail to their own network of friends and associates.
4) Exploits common motivations and behaviors
Design a marketing strategy that builds on common motivations and behaviors for its transmission, hotmail.com targeted “Who see the message” and encourage netizen to forward their e-mail to others for attracting use.
Reference: http://www.wilsonweb.com/wmt5/viral-principles-clean.htm
The Six Principle of Viral Marketing VS Hotmail.com - 1
What is virus? What does a virus have to do with marketing? It is because virus doesn’t even have to mate, it just replicates, again and again with geometrically increasing power, doubling with each iteration, in a few short generations, a virus population can explode.
With refer to my first post: The Classic Viral Marketing – Hotmail.com, it can show how successful the viral marketing strategies used. Briefly, we can see in the six basic elements as below:

1) Gives away products or services
"Free" is the most powerful word in a marketer's vocabulary. Hotmail.com is the first Web-based e-mail services which away free e-mail addresses and services. "Cheap" or "inexpensive" may generate a wave of interest, but "free" will usually do it much faster. They may not profit today, but if they can generate a groundswell of interest from something free, they know they will profit "soon and for the rest of their lives".
Reference: http://www.wilsonweb.com/wmt5/viral-principles-clean.htm
With refer to my first post: The Classic Viral Marketing – Hotmail.com, it can show how successful the viral marketing strategies used. Briefly, we can see in the six basic elements as below:

1) Gives away products or services
"Free" is the most powerful word in a marketer's vocabulary. Hotmail.com is the first Web-based e-mail services which away free e-mail addresses and services. "Cheap" or "inexpensive" may generate a wave of interest, but "free" will usually do it much faster. They may not profit today, but if they can generate a groundswell of interest from something free, they know they will profit "soon and for the rest of their lives".
Reference: http://www.wilsonweb.com/wmt5/viral-principles-clean.htm
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